Σάββατο 21 Μαΐου 2016

Athens mayor takes stand against antisemitism ...

Athens Mayor Georgios Kaminis in an exclusive interview to Victor Eliezer for “Alef” magazine, edited by the Athens Jewish Community (issue No 60), spoke about his clear stance against antisemitism and referred to pressing issues such as the rise of neo-Nazism.
Kaminis told the paper it was self-evident that he should sign the declaration since “Athens is a city of tolerance, a capital that shines at the fight against discriminations based on colour, religious beliefs, or sexual orientation.”
“This is our municipality’s main principle,” he went on We have built a permanent front against intolerance, fanaticism and violence.
Kaminis also related to the fact that Golden Dawn won its highest percentage of votes in the traditional middle class neighbourhoods of Athens, such as Kypseli and Agios Panteleimonas
“As you might know, we face with great determination the phenomenon of the extreme right’s violence,” he said.  “As far as the rights of people who see their lives devaluated are concerned, the so called democratic spectrum has to be motivated and act with method and determination, in order to leave no space to the devotees of anti-parliamentarian organisations who prey on people’s fears in order to increase their own influence.“
Click here to read the full article in Council of Jewish Communities in Greece

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