Τρίτη 5 Απριλίου 2016

Greek ‘brain drain': Doctorate holders want to leave !!!

 Greece 9th among 22 OECD countries with doctorate holders!!!
According to a study carried out by the OECD ‘International Survey on Careers of Doctorate Holders-CDH’, Greece has a high percentage of doctorate holders per 1,000 residents but most of them have left abroad due to the economic crisis. The findings indicate that there are 7.3 doctorate holders per 1,000 Greeks that could contribute to the country’s development, placing Greece 9th among 22 countries that took part in the survey. More specifically, there are over 35,000 highly qualified Greeks, 38.9 percent of which are women, while a little, over 86 percent of them had gained their degrees from Greek universities. Medicine & Health, as well as Natural Sciences were the most popular scientific fields of doctorate holders. Nearly a quarter of doctorate holders were self-funded via personal savings or family support, while 23.1 percent had earned scholarships. The average age for completing a doctorate was 38 years old, which was higher than the average of other EU countries. Greece had the highest rate of unemployment among doctorate holders at 3.5 percent. The Greek doctorate holders responded that their lowest satisfactory levels concerned their earnings, while Greece presents the highest rate of international mobility at 18.9 percent from 2004 to 2013, while 10.2 percent of those asked in 2015 said they intended to move abroad (UK, Germany or US) citing that their main reasons for moving were career and financial.

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Όσοι επιθυμούν να παίρνουν τις αναρτήσεις από το μπλογκ μπορούν να το κάνουν ελεύθερα με την παράκληση όπως σαν πηγή ενημέρωσης να αναφέρουν το ιστολόγιο μας.

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