Σάββατο 28 Νοεμβρίου 2015

Greek PM calls Jerusalem Israel's "historic capital" .....

When Alexis Tzipras was elected prime minister of Greece in January 2015, Israel watched the political shift closely. The victory of the radical, left wing pro-Palestinian Syriza party was considered bad news.
On his first visit to the region, Tzipras came to change that impression and show that Greece is still a friendly neighbour.
Meeting with the Israeli leadership, opening a two day tour in Jerusalem and Ramallah, Tzipras praised the importance of the relations between Israel and Greece and showed that the partnership has survived the political change.
While in Jerusalem for a meeting with Israeli President Reuven Rivlin, Tsipras took an opportunity to sign the President's guestbook, writing," With great honour to be in your historic capital and to meet your excellencies."
Because of the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict and dispute over Jerusalem, many countries refuse to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital, much to Israel's displeasure.
A former Israeli diplomatic official said that Tzipras' reference to Jerusalem as Israel's capital was "unprecedented, especially for a European leader."
Calling Greece a “friend of Israel,” Tsipras offered Greece’s help in facilitating negotiations between the two sides and reiterated the need for Israel to protect its citizens and its security.
During talks with Rivlin, Tsipras also addressed the global rise in terrorism saying "in the wake of European terror, we must send a message from here in Jerusalem that cooperation can banish extremism and hatred."
Click here to read the full article in i24


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