Τρίτη 21 Απριλίου 2015

Russian president tells Israel not to supply arms to Ukraine ...

Russian President Vladimir Putin warned Israel on Saturday not to supply weapons to the Ukrainian government, saying that the move would be counter-productive to efforts to reach peace in east Ukraine.
"It's the Israeli leadership's choice. It's their right to do what they think is appropriate. If this is lethal weapon, I think it will be counter-productive. It will only lead to another round of conflicts, to a rise in the number of victims, and the outcome will be the same," Putin told the state-run Rossiya channel.
Putin last week defended his decision to resurrect a deal to sell missiles to Iran during his annual television call-in show, saying it increases security in light of the conflict in Yemen.
"Under the present conditions in the region, especially regarding events in Yemen, such arms supplies are a deterrent."

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