Πέμπτη 2 Απριλίου 2015

Dutch group report finds 71 percent rise in anti-Semitism ...

The number of anti-Semitic incidents in the Netherlands rose last year by 71 percent, and some police officers are unwilling to intervene, the Jewish community’s watchdog on anti-Semitism said.
The Hague-based Centre for Information and Documentation on Israel, or CIDI, recorded 171 incidents in 2014 compared to 100 in 2013.
The group also noted what it termed “a worrisome phenomenon — police officers’ failure to intervene in cases of evident anti-Semitism. Some police officers prefer to look the other way,” CIDI said in a statement on Wednesday.
CIDI also said the severity of the incidents increased. Those who wore kippahs or other Jewish symbols on the street accounted for a large portion of the overall number of victims of anti-Semitic harassment or attacks last year, according to the statement.
The prevalence of incidents in which individuals were harassed on the street because they were perceived as Jewish rose by 90 percent in 2014 over the previous year, to 40 incidents from 21. Incidents in which people were physically assaulted in anti-Semitic attacks doubled to six from three.
Approximately half of all incidents occurred last summer during Israel’s war with Hamas in Gaza.

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