Τρίτη 24 Μαρτίου 2015

Greek Jews seek compensation from Germany for Nazi crimes ...

The leader of the Jewish community of the second-largest city in Greece is seeking 20 million euros from Germany to compensate Greek Jews for having been forced to pay their own train fare to Nazi death camps in 1943.
David Saltiel, president of the Jewish community of Thessaloniki, is hoping any compensation funds the community receives will fund a Holocaust memorial project that would include a monument, an educational facility and a human rights centre, "for the Balkans, for Europe and for everybody to study and understand what happened during the Holocaust."
“We think it’s a big opportunity that if the German government decides they want to help, it would be a very good coincidence that this money goes for this purpose,” said Saltiel.
He said the memorial would be built on the site of the train station from which Jews were sent to the death camps during World War II.
The total cost of the train fare came to more than 2 million Reichsmark, the equivalent of about 25 million euros today.
Altogether, at least 60,000 Greek Jews – more than three-quarters of the country's Jewish population – died in the Holocaust, according to the Yad Vashem Holocaust museum and research centre.
Click here to read the full article in Ha’aretz

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