Τρίτη 10 Μαρτίου 2015

EJC lauds EU High Representative Mogherini's support for EU task force against anti-Semitism ...

The European Jewish Congress (EJC) has welcomed High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini’s support for the establishment of an EU Task Force against Anti-Semitism.
Writing in the Italian newspaper La Republica, Mogherini noted that during a meeting with the EJC and its president Dr. Moshe Kantor in January, held immediately after the terrorist attacks in Paris, that she supported the EJC’s idea for the establishment of an EU Task Force against Anti-Semitism.
Mogherini also noted that she had sent a letter to Frans Timmermans, the First Vice-President of the European Commission, who has formal authority on this issue, in support of this initiative, and together they are already beginning to work on various initiatives.
“We are delighted with the momentum on this issue since we first raised it many months ago,” said Kantor, who met with Timmermans last month in Brussels to discuss moving things forward. “There is a vital need to create a task-force because we are at a point where we need urgent action and less monitoring or words.”
“We need a pan-EU body that will coordinate intelligence efforts between member states, the sharing of such information, assisting with legislation changes to enable the member states to address this challenge with proper tools and deal with proper training and security measures in the protection of Jewish institutions by the authorities. This wave of Anti-Semitic terror is a pan-European problem and should be dealt as such in a united and coordinated manner.”
The EJC is regularly meeting and working closely with senior European officials to push forward the issue of greater protection for Jewish communities and for European authorities to take a more active approach in taking preventative measures against anti-Semitic attacks.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015.

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