Τρίτη 4 Μαρτίου 2014

Ukraine chief rabbi wants G8 moved to Kiev & Ukraine religious leaders call for Russian withdrawal from Crimea ...

The Chief Rabbi of Ukraine and EJC executive member Yaacov Dov Bleich has called for the next meeting of the G8 nations to be moved to Kiev from the Russian city of Sochi.
Bleich said the meeting should be just of the G7, implying that it should not include Russia.
Bleich made the remarks at a press conference in New York before flying to Kiev, where he planned to present his proposal Tuesday to US Secretary of State John Kerry.
Bleich said he would urge Kerry to move the summit of the world's leading nations in Kiev to "show that you care about the people of Ukraine. Show that you are with them and change that G8 to G7."
Religious leaders in Ukraine including the country’s chief rabbi Yaacov Dov Bleich, an EJC executive member, have called on the international community to stop “a foreign invasion of Ukraine”.
Bleich, who is also president of the Jewish Federation of Ukraine, an EJC affiliate, joined the heads of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Kyivian Patriarchate, the Greek Catholic Church and the Lutheran, Baptist and Seventh Day Adventist churches in the statement.
The letter read: “Dear Brothers and Sisters in Russia! The Ukrainian people have only friendly, fraternal feelings toward the Russian people. Do not believe the propaganda that enflames hostility between us. We want and we will continue to build friendly and fraternal relations with Russia but only as a sovereign and independent state.”

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