Παρασκευή 6 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013

Bibi Netanyahu’s Rosh Hashanah Gag Greeting... VIDEO.

The Israeli Prime Minister’s annual Rosh Hashanah greeting has become a mini-State of the Union of sorts. This year, as in previous ones, Benjamin Netanyahu used the opportunity to recap the Jewish state’s accomplishments in both Hebrew and English, including a seven-minute video for his Israeli constituents. But after uploading those speeches to YouTube, Netanyahu decided to try something a little different.
He posted a second Hebrew Rosh Hashanah greeting. It it, Netanyahu appears holding an iPad. “We need to act wisely,” he intones. “We need to concentrate. We need to advance to the next stage.” The camera then reveals what Netanayahu is doing on his iPad: playing Candy Crush. “But you know, life is not a game,” the Prime Minister continues wryly. “These traits, and others, we will need to secure our country–for your sake, for the sake of our children and for our future. And this we will continue to do. Shanah tova.” Watch the gag greeting below with English subtitles (click ‘CC’ if not enabled):

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