Τρίτη 27 Αυγούστου 2013

Israel ranks high in health care efficiency....Israel ranks 4th globally in health care efficiency!!!

A recent ranking of countries with the most efficient health care has placed Israel in fourth ahead of all European countries and the United States.  
The data was compiled by Bloomberg, and countries were ranked based on three criteria: life expectancy; relative per capita cost of health care (percentage of GDP per capita); and the absolute per capita cost of health care (expenditures covering preventive and curative services, family planning, nutrition and emergency aid).
The countries included had populations of at least five million, life expectancy of at least 70 years and GDP per capita of at least $5,000.
Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan took the top three spots in the rankings.
Israel’s life expectancy is 81.8 years, and health care costs per capita were calculated at $2,426 (or approximately NIS 8,800).
The rankings also noted that Israel has the longest life span in the Middle East and Africa, and that Israelis have the 12th longest retirement in the world (lasting 17.81 years).

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Tο μπλοκ μας δημοσιεύει κάθε σχόλιο. Θεωρούμε ότι ο καθένας έχει το δικαίωμα να εκφράζει ελεύθερα τις απόψεις του. Ωστόσο, αυτό δεν σημαίνει ότι υιοθετούμε τις απόψεις αυτές, και διατηρούμε το δικαίωμα να μην δημοσιεύουμε συκοφαντικά ή υβριστικά σχόλια όπου τα εντοπίζουμε.
Όσοι επιθυμούν να παίρνουν τις αναρτήσεις από το μπλογκ μπορούν να το κάνουν ελεύθερα με την παράκληση όπως σαν πηγή ενημέρωσης να αναφέρουν το ιστολόγιο μας.

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