Τρίτη 16 Ιουλίου 2013

EU May (Finally) Label Hezbollah Terror Group... At least, Jerusalem says they might...

Almost a year after a deadly terrorist attack killed six Israelis in Bulgaria last July–on the same week that a Jewish community center in Buenos Aires was bombed eighteen years before–Hezbollah, the Iran-funded terror group believed to be responsible for both attacks, may finally be labeled as a terrorist organization by the European Union.
Barak Ravid is reporting that the European Union, after
months years of equivocating, could designate the group later this week following meetings.
A team of experts from the 27-member EU are expected to meet for the third time on Thursday (July 18). In recent weeks, these experts have tried to formulate a unified position on the issue to present to the foreign ministers for discussion.
Meanwhile, the EU Foreign Affairs Council (comprising EU member state ministers responsible for foreign affairs and defense issues) is scheduled to meets in Brussels just a few days later, on July 22. The council is expected to hold a meeting on the Hezbollah question and reach a decision, even if the team of experts does not reach a consensus.

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Όσοι επιθυμούν να παίρνουν τις αναρτήσεις από το μπλογκ μπορούν να το κάνουν ελεύθερα με την παράκληση όπως σαν πηγή ενημέρωσης να αναφέρουν το ιστολόγιο μας.

Σημείωση: Μόνο ένα μέλος αυτού του ιστολογίου μπορεί να αναρτήσει σχόλιο.